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Fraud Boxer podcast: low-code and no-code featuring Patrick Chen

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In this episode, Patrick Chen, COO and co-founder of Spec, breaks down what low-code and no-code actually mean and how they work. Jordan Harris does his best to get an ELI5 (explain like I am 5) description of why this is something that very well could change our entire industry and how we approach the using and changing of our fraud prevention tools. Listen to the episode to learn more!

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About Fraud Boxer Podcast
Fraud Boxer brings you interviews and conversations with interesting individuals in the fraud and payments industry. Topics range from fraud prevention trends, payment industry updates, management styles, and much more!

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Spec is a trusted partner for organizations to detect, protect, and respond against an array of potential threats. This holiday season, cyberattacks inevitably will disrupt businesses globally. If your business is under attack, Spec’s Incident Response Engagement can help.
If your business is under attack, Spec’s Incident Response Engagement can help.
Spec’s platform has enabled online businesses of various sizes to identify and block the attacks that target the gaps in their customer journey and connect them to any fraud tool that would help solve their problems. 
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