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Fraudology podcast: Fraudsters exploiting 3rd party fraud tools with Nate Kharrl

fraud Podcast technology

About the episode

In this episode of Fraudology, host Karisse Hendrick is joined by Nate Kharrl, CEO and co-founder of Spec who shares the different types of exploits targeting the system connections between online businesses and several fraud solutions providers that he has observed.

While knowing what the “what” is 1/2 the battle when trying to understand the new fraud tactics, Nate provides insights as to what organizations need to know and identify.

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About Fraudology and host Karisse Hendrick

Fraudology is hosted by Karisse Hendrick, a fraud fighter with decades of experience advising hundreds of the biggest eCommerce companies in the world on fraud, chargebacks, and other forms of abuse impacting a company’s bottom line.

She brings her experience, expertise, and extensive network of experts to this podcast semi-weekly, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

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Spec is a trusted partner for organizations to detect, protect, and respond against an array of potential threats. This holiday season, cyberattacks inevitably will disrupt businesses globally. If your business is under attack, Spec’s Incident Response Engagement can help.
If your business is under attack, Spec’s Incident Response Engagement can help.
Spec’s platform has enabled online businesses of various sizes to identify and block the attacks that target the gaps in their customer journey and connect them to any fraud tool that would help solve their problems. 
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